MDaemon Messaging Server — Email ArchivingArchiving email messages has become vital for many companies who wish to meet a growing number of regulations and laws regarding message archiving; including Sarbanes-Oxley, HIPAA, Basel II and FISMA. MDaemon® Messaging Server's built-in message archival capabilities make it easy to safeguard your email messages, while meeting the requirements of increasingly stringent regulations. MDaemon Archiving Advantages
All-In-One Email Archiving SolutionEmail archiving has become an essential business tool. Most managed email archive providers charge monthly per-user fees. Other archive solutions require additional expensive hardware. MDaemon Messaging Server's built-in archiving capabilities allow you to safeguard your important data while meeting regulatory compliance at no extra cost. See for yourself by downloading a free 30-day fully-functional trial to experience its powerful features, easy administration, easy archiving, and low total cost of ownership for your business. Additional Archiving SolutionsMDaemon Messaging Server includes a solid archive solution. For those customers that want a more robust offering we recommend solutions from several of our partners: MailStore
MailStore installs alongside the MDaemon server, archiving copies of all incoming and outbound email to a highly scalable Firebird database, so it is no longer necessary to keep a copy of every message on the server. Messages in existing PST files and IMAP/POP accounts can also be quickly and easily imported. Learn more.
MailStore Server - Email Archiving Software for SMB